Genetic diversity at the SBSTTA26


The 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

Interested in how genetic diversity indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) are being developed, tested and implemented? Scroll down to browse the essential resources we’ve compiled for the SBSTTA26.


In a few words

Genetic diversity is vital for population, species and ecosystem resilience. Parties to the CBD are now required to report progress on conserving genetic diversity using indicators of genetic status:

1. Proportion of populations within species with an effective population (Ne) size > 500 (Headline indicator A.4.0).

This threshold is vital for preventing losses of genetic diversity within populations, allowing populations to adapt to new conditions, climate change, and diseases.

2. Proportion of populations maintained within a species (additional complementary indicator).

This indicator is important as diversity among populations maintains evolutionary potential across a species' distribution.

While genetic diversity measures variation at the DNA level, DNA data are not essential to assess genetic diversity indicators. The indicators use reliable proxies for genetic diversity change, meaning Parties can successfully and cost-effectively report these genetic diversity indicators with existing biodiversity observation data.


Examples of species that have been assessed using genetic diversity indicators

Multinational evaluation of genetic diversity indicators

Follow the links below to learn more about genetic diversity indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Monitoring Framework. We describe how indicators are being tested and show that they are now ready for implementation in a recent pre-print, which is also summarized in the video and policy brief below.

Watch the short (5 minute) video:


Policy brief (available in multiple languages):

important messages from the CCG about:

Indicators for conserving genetic diversity within species:

Improving plant conservation:


Recommended reading


Other resources



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