Our vision

Making the protection of genetic diversity foundational to global conservation practice.


We envision a world where the protection of genetic diversity is considered foundational to global conservation policy and practice, and where a diverse and inclusive conservation genetics community is meaningfully engaged in advancing conservation priorities from local to global levels.


Reimagining the role of genetics in conservation policy and planning.

We bring together leaders in the field of conservation genetics - each with their own histories, priorities, and modes of action. Together, we have built a coalition that integrates research, interpretation, policy, and management, opening a pathway from science to decision-making.


Our mission

The CCG is a network of conservation genetics experts aiming to:

  • Align and amplify key messaging on why the protection of genetic diversity is essential for effective conservation policies, monitoring and management.

  • Build a bridge between research and policy and leverage our collective expertise to promote scientific understanding, application and outreach.

  • Increase the global capacity of the conservation genetics community by offering opportunities and support for currently underrepresented groups to maximize inclusivity.

Our team

A global network of conservation genetic experts

Core leadership

Current Coalition member groups


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