Short (1 to 5-minute) videos on genetic diversity conservation and indicators

Recordings from representatives from CBD delegations, National Focal Points and other key stakeholders in the CBD process, including Sweden, Mexico, Colombia, France, Namibia, Italy and the EU, speaking on behalf of genetic diversity conservation and genetic diversity indicators.

SWEDEN: Johan Abenius, Swedish SBSTTA National Focal Point and delegate at COP-15

NAMIBIA: Pierre du Plessis, Namibia negotiator for CBD COP-15

COLOMBIA: Sebastian Acosta, diplomat from the Colombia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

SWEDEN: Henrik Thurfjell, from Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

FRANCE: Robin Goffaux, French FRB and SBSTTA National Focal Point

ITALY: Lorenzo Ciccarese, Italian CBD delegate


EUROPEAN UNION: Torbjörn Ebenhard, EU negotiator on Goal A and related targets