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The CCG and member organizations generate many publications on conservation genetics and its applications. Learn more by browsing the list below, or head to our resources page for policy documents and more.

  • Hoban, S., Hvilsom, C., Aissi, A., Aleixo, A., Bélanger, J., Biala, K., … & da Silva, J. M. (2024) How can biodiversity strategy and action plans incorporate genetic diversity and align with global commitments? BioScience, biae106.

  • Hoban, S., Paz-Vinas, I., Shaw, R. E., Castillo-Reina, L., da Silva, J. M., DeWoody, J. A., … & Grueber, C. E. (2024) DNA-based studies and genetic diversity indicator assessments are complementary approaches to conserving evolutionary potential. Conservation Genetics.

  • Mastretta-Yanes, A., da Silva, J. M., Grueber, C. E., Castillo-Reina, L., Köppä, V., Forester, B. R., … & Hoban, S. (2024) Multinational evaluation of genetic diversity indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Ecology Letters, 27, e14461.

  • Mastretta-Yanes, A., Suárez, S., Jordan, R., Hoban, S., da Silva, J. M., Castillo-Reina, L., … Forester, B. R. (2024). Guideline Materials and Documentation for the Genetic Diversity Indicators of the Monitoring Framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Biodiversity Informatics, 18.

  • Kershaw, F. & The Coalition for Conservation Genetics. (2024). Protecting genetic diversity to benefit nature and society. Open Access Government, April 2024, pp.392-393.

  • Pearman, P. B., Broennimann, O., Aavik, T., Albayrak, T., Alves, P. C., Aravanopoulos, F. A., ... & Bruford, M. (2024). Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 267–281.

  • Hoban, S., da Silva, J. M., Hughes, A., Hunter, M. E., Kalamujić Stroil, b., Laikre, L., ... & The Coalition for Conservation Genetics. (2024). Too simple, too complex, or just right? Advantages, challenges, and guidance for indicators of genetic diversity. BioScience, biae006.

  • Bertola, L. D., Brüniche-Olsen, A., Kershaw, F., Russo, I. M., MacDonald, A. J., Sunnucks, P., … & Segelbacher, G. (2024). A pragmatic approach for integrating molecular tools into biodiversity conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(1), e13053.

  • Schmidt, C., Hoban, S., Hunter, M., Paz-Vinas, I., & Garroway, C. J. (2023). Genetic diversity and IUCN Red List status. Conservation Biology, 37, e14064.

  • Robuchon, M., da Silva, J., Dubois, G., Gumbs, R., Hoban, S., Laikre, L., Owen, N. R., & Perino, A. (2023). Conserving species' evolutionary potential and history: Opportunities under the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(6), e12929.

  • Hoban, S., da Silva, J., Mastretta-Yanes, A., Grueber, C., Heuertz, M., Hunter, M., … & Laikre, L. (2023). Monitoring status and trends in genetic diversity for the Convention on Biological Diversity: an ongoing assessment of genetic indicators in nine countries. Conservation Letters, 16, e12953.

  • Hoban, S., Bruford, M. W., da Silva, J. M., Funk, W. C., Segelbacher, G., Gill, M. J., … & Laikre, L. (2023). Genetic diversity goals and targets have improved, but remain insufficient for clear implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Conservation Genetics, 24, 181–191.

  • Thurfjell, H., Laikre, L., Ekblom, R., Hoban, S., & Sjögren-Gulve, P. (2022). Practical application of indicators for genetic diversity in CBD post-2020 global biodiversity framework implementation. Ecological Indicators, 142, 109167.

  • Scholz, A. H., Freitag, J., Lyal, C. H., Sara, R., Cepeda, M. L., Cancio, I., ... & Overmann, J. (2022). Multilateral benefit-sharing from digital sequence information will support both science and biodiversity conservation. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-5.

  • O’Brien, D., Laikre, L., Hoban, S., Bruford, M. W., Ekblom, R., Fischer, M. C., ... & MacDonald, A. J. (2022). Bringing together approaches to reporting on within species genetic diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology.

  • Meek, M.H., Beever, E.A., Barbosa, S., Fitzpatrick, S.W., Fletcher, N.K., Mittan-Moreau, C.S., Reid, B.N., Campbell-Staton, S.C., Green, N.F. and Hellmann, J.J., 2022. Understanding Local Adaptation to Prepare Populations for Climate Change. BioScience, 73, 36–47.

  • Kershaw, F., Bruford, M. W., Funk, W. C., Grueber, C. E., Hoban, S., Hunter, M. E., ... & Segelbacher, G. (2022). The Coalition for Conservation Genetics: Working across organizations to build capacity and achieve change in policy and practice. Conservation Science and Practice, e12635.

  • Hvilsom, C., Segelbacher, G., Ekblom, R., Fischer, M.C., Laikre, L., Leus, K., O´Brien, D., Shaw, R. and Sork, V. (2022). Selecting species and populations for monitoring of genetic diversity. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

  • Hoban, S., Archer, F.I., Bertola, L.D., Bragg, J.G., Breed, M.F., Bruford, M.W., … & Hunter, M.E. (2022). Global genetic diversity status and trends: towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition. Biol Rev, 97: 1511-1538.

  • Laikre, L., Hohenlohe, P. A., Allendorf, F. W., Bertola, L. D., Breed, M. F., Bruford, M. W., ... & Hoban, S. (2021). Authors’ Reply to Letter to the Editor: Continued improvement to genetic diversity indicator for CBD. Conservation Genetics, 22(4), 533-536.

  • Hoban, S., Paz-Vinas, I., Aitken, S., Bertola, L., Breed, M. F., Bruford, M., ... & Laikre, L. (2021). Effective population size remains a suitable, pragmatic indicator of genetic diversity for all species, including forest trees. Biological Conservation, 253, 108906.

  • Hoban, S., Campbell, C. D., da Silva, J. M., Ekblom, R., Funk, W. C., Garner, B. A., ... & Hunter, M. E. (2021). Genetic diversity is considered important but interpreted narrowly in country reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Current actions and indicators are insufficient. Biological Conservation, 261, 109233.

  • Hoban, S., Bruford, M. W., Funk, W. C., Galbusera, P., Griffith, M. P., Grueber, C. E., ... & Vernesi, C. (2021). Global commitments to conserving and monitoring genetic diversity are now necessary and feasible. BioScience, 71(9), 964-976.

  • Taft, H. R., McCoskey, D. N., Miller, J. M., Pearson, S. K., Coleman, M. A., Fletcher, N. K., ... & Barbosa, S. (2020). Research–management partnerships: An opportunity to integrate genetics in conservation actions. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(9), e218.

  • Laikre, L., Hoban, S., Bruford, M. W., Segelbacher, G., Allendorf, F. W., Gajardo, G., ... & Vernesi, C. (2020). Post-2020 goals overlook genetic diversity. Science, 367(6482), 1083-1085.

  • Hoban, S., Bruford, M., Jackson, J. D. U., Lopes-Fernandes, M., Heuertz, M., Hohenlohe, P. A., ... & Laikre, L. (2020). Genetic diversity targets and indicators in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework must be improved. Biological Conservation, 248, 108654.

*Contact the coalition co-author if you need help accessing a pdf of the manuscript.