Webinar on genetic diversity and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework


Towards CBD COP-15, the G-BiKE COST Action and the Coalition for Conservation Genetics, co-hosted by GEO BON and the CBD Secretariat, are organizing a webinar related to genetic diversity and the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. This is specifically targetted towards policy makers and biodiversity reporters attending or supporting teams at the COP-15 in Montreal.

Genetic diversity is a vital component of biodiversity to ensure the resilience of species, ecosystems, and society.

This webinar will show how it is possible to measure and report on genetic diversity with feasible and affordable indicators, which do not need genetic (DNA) data, and which use available data and knowledge within countries on population abundance and distribution.

The webinar will be held twice November 14 (14h00 UTC) and November 16 (22h00 UTC) , via Zoom, to accommodate different time zones. It will be held in English with translators available to answer questions in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Cinnamon Mittan